Healthy Bagel Spreads (2 Ways: Maple Peanut Butter and Berries ‘n’ Cream)
For the past week and a half, I’ve had a bagel for breakfast. But not just any bagel, a 100% whole wheat bagel, smothered in peanut butter. I paired the peanut butter with honey but ran out after a couple days and replaced it with pure maple syrup (which is delicious, by the way!). After a week, though, I felt I was having a little too much sugar, so I made the classic PB&J for the next few days…

It can never get old. I love bread and I love peanut butter! It’s a great combination, taste-wise and health-wise. The protein in whole grain bread and the protein in peanut butter are both incomplete proteins — they lack certain amino acids to be complete proteins. Complete proteins assist in muscle growth and repair in the human body. A bagel by itself cannot build muscle, and eating peanut butter by the spoonfuls sure won’t do repair anything (hint hint: your muscles or your bad day).
Although I could probably eat PB&Js every morning for the rest of my life, it’s good to switch things up a bit. But what bagel spreads were available? Butter. Cream Cheese. Savory Spreads. Ehhh, none of that is very exciting to a sweet tooth. Savory food doesn’t excite me until dinner.
Hmmm… but these will do! 🙂
Healthy Bagel Spreads (2 Ways!)
Maple Peanut Butter: Yields 2 servings
- 2 tbs Natural Peanut Butter
- 2 tbs Pure Maple Syrup
- 2 tbs Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
Berries 'n' Cream: Yields 3 servings
- 2 tbs 100% Fruit Raspberry Spread
- 3 tbs Dried Nonfat Milk
- 2 Strawberries (diced)
- 3-5 drops Liquid Stevia Extract (optional)
- Put all the ingredients into a bowl and stir until smooth. Spread and enjoy!
The Maple Peanut Butter Spread was thick, similar to cream cheese, but tastier, healthier, and very high protein. The bagel had 10g of protein, the peanut butter, 7g, and the whey had 8g, all adding up to 25g of protein! The Berries ‘n’ Cream Spread has a little less protein (9g), but is healthy all the same. It was sweet and berry-licious, much better than store-bought strawberry cream cheese if you ask me 🙂
I like how the Maple Peanut Butter Spread is low-glycemic, and I love how the Berries ‘n’ Cream Spread is fat free. So if you did happen to spoon peanut butter out of the jar recently, I guess this could be makeup for it. Both are healthy and delicious!
These spreads are also portable! Just scoop it into an airtight container and bring to school, work, or wherever you go on the run. If you make a big batch, just cover and refrigerate!
Enjoy 🙂
With love and good eats,
– Jess
these spreads look seriously nommable. nom nom nom. bookmarked! 🙂
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I love peanut butter and honey together, I never thought of pairing PB with maple syrup!
This looks so yummmmmmmy! I think if the protein powder in the peanut butter spread was chocolate protein powder it would be even MORE delicious. Do you happen to have the nutrition label?
Thanks, Jess!!
OH MY GOD YOU ARE A GENIUS IVY!!! Chocolate protein powder in this sounds divine.
I didn’t calculate the nutrition for these but just at a quick glance, the PB spread will have ~320 calories. The berries n cream spread really depends on the jam you use (I’ve seen some jams with serving sizes with 30-60 calories for 2 tbs). It’s super easy to calculate, just check the nutrition labels on the products you have 🙂