Easy Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste Recipe | How to Make Vanilla Paste

Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste

Want to know every good baker’s secret weapon?  It’s Vanilla Bean Paste!  This 3-ingredient Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste is way healthier than storebought versions and so much more flavorful.

Vanilla paste is far more flavorful and luxurious than vanilla extract.  While both have great uses in baking, vanilla bean paste adds something special.

Unlike Vanilla Extract, which is a smooth and consistent brown liquid made from soaking vanilla beans in vodka for 8+ weeks (which you can make at home too!), Vanilla Paste is made from grinding the actual vanilla bean pods.  Vanilla Paste is thicker than Vanilla Extract, provides a more intense vanilla flavor, and is full of those fancy luxe vanilla bean flecks that you’ll see in expensive, sophisticated desserts.

3-ingredient homemade vanilla bean paste (refined sugar free, fat free, low carb, gluten free, vegan)

This Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste recipe does take some prep work, but it is SO so worth it.  It’s much more potent in flavor than plain old vanilla extract and doesn’t contain any of the refined sugar or corn syrup typical to storebought brands (their first ingredient is usually sugar, not vanilla).

I know, you probably think I’m crazy.  When 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Paste is spread out over an entire cake batter or marshmallow mix, that teaspoon of sugar is basically negligible!  You’re right.  But I still try to avoid processed white sugar whenever I can.  The days of eating three Hersheys bars and a Snickers on a daily basis are over…  so here I am, having made this AWESOME Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste and could not be happier!

3-ingredient homemade vanilla bean paste (refined sugar free, fat free, low carb, gluten free, vegan)

3-ingredient homemade vanilla bean paste (refined sugar free, fat free, low carb, gluten free, vegan)

Want to know every good baker's secret weapon? It's vanilla bean paste! This 3-ingredient Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste recipe is way healthier than storebought versions and so much more flavorful (refined sugar free, fat free, low carb, gluten free, vegan) -- Healthy Dessert Recipes at Desserts with Benefits
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Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste

Servings: 2 cups
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Want to know every good baker's secret weapon?  It's Vanilla Bean Paste!  This 3-ingredient Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste is way healthier than storebought versions and so much more flavorful.


  • 30 Vanilla Beans
  • 6 tbs Vanilla Extract (I used homemade!)
  • 1⅔ cups Agave Nectar (or Vegetable Glycerine for a sugar-free version)


  • Place all the ingredients in a food processor and puree until smooth (you can chop up the vanilla beans if you want to save some time).
  • Place a fine mesh strainer over a bowl and pour the mixture inside.
  • Press on the vanilla bean "pulp" to get as much liquid out. Pour the strained vanilla paste liquid into a jar and seal tightly (discard the pulp, or you can reuse it to steep in homemade vanilla extract).  Store the vanilla paste in the fridge.
Nutrition Facts
Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste
Amount Per Serving (1 serving = 1 tsp)
Calories 20
% Daily Value*
Potassium 50mg1%
Carbohydrates 4g1%
Sugar 4g4%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Course: Side
Cuisine: Syrups
Keyword: DIY

3-ingredient homemade vanilla bean paste (refined sugar free, fat free, low carb, gluten free, vegan)

I am pleasantly surprised by the end result of this recipe.  It looks and smells exactly like the storebought brands, but tastes soooo much better.

I love knowing exactly where my ingredients are coming from and how the final product is made.  Get peace of mind knowing that you’re adding this quality vanilla paste to your baked goods, not a corn syrupy mix, along with the satisfaction of making such a great recipe at home!

3-ingredient homemade vanilla bean paste (refined sugar free, fat free, low carb, gluten free, vegan)

If you’ve already made my Homemade Vanilla Extract and don’t know what to do with the leftover vanilla bean pods, DON’T THROW THEM AWAY!  They are precious, precious gold.  Use them to make this Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste!


– Jess


298 comments on “Homemade Vanilla Bean Paste”

  1. Becca Entenberg

    I can’t get enough of vanilla beans! Just got a cookbook that features vanilla recipes.

  2. OMG I need vanilla beans, I just ran out!!!

  3. I’ve actually never work with vanilla beans. I’ve got to add that to my to-do list. And that paste sounds awesome, I’m a lover of anything really vanilla-y.

  4. Looks soooo good! Bet it smells amazing too!

  5. I’m so obsessed with vanilla in all of its forms. It would be amazing to make my own, and so much cheaper! Thanks for the great post!

    • If I wanted to make extract from the vanilla bean pulp, do I use the same ratio of 1 to 2 oz. bean to 1 cup alcohol?

      • I split 10 beans in 750 ml of rum. Let it sit for a couple months. Shake it every few days while it’s steeping.
        It’s excellent!!!

  6. Ugh I love vanilla so much. Whenever I use it baking, I always have to triple the amount called for! Has never failed me!

  7. I have been wanting to try home made vanilla. Where is a good place to get the beans?

  8. I love vanilla, but I’ve never used actual vanilla beans before. I would love to try making this recipe. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. There is seriously nothing that beats fresh vanilla bean! Last year for my mom’s birthday, I made her a coconut cake made with fresh vanilla bean instead of extract and the difference was amazing. Such a treat.

  10. I’ve always wanted to experiment with whole vanilla beans, but always balked at the price. So many possibilities!

  11. Finally liked your page on FB. That was somewhat overdue anyways!

  12. I love cooking with vanilla beans.

  13. I’ve always wanted to bake with vanilla beans, but the price scared me away. I would love to have a chance to finally use them with this giveaway!

  14. I haven’t ever made bean paste, I have made my own vanilla extract though

  15. What a great recipe! They used to sell this at my local Trader Joe’s but I haven’t been able to find it for awhile – and I haven’t gotten around to ordering any online. Anyhow – I am very excited to try this – thanks!!

  16. This is super neat! I’ve wanted to try working with vanilla bean paste, but have never been willing to purchase it. I might have to try this!

  17. Vanilla – my favorite flavor!

  18. That sounds delicious! Ever since I split open my first vanilla bean, I’ve been in love with the stuff. Can’t wait to try out this paste recipe.

  19. I am a vanillaholic! Probably among my top 5 favorite ingredients. If a recipe doesn’t call for vanilla extract, I almost always add some anyway. And vanilla beans are even better, when I can afford to get my hands on some!!!!

    • Gail Jewett-Shultis

      Vanilla Bean Co-Op is a FB group with 50K+ members who bulk purchase vanilla beans directly drom growers in Madagascar, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and occasionally Sri Lanka. Best prices, and money goes directly to the farmers.

  20. Very ingenious. I would really like to try that. Thank you

  21. Great recipe. I’ve been wanting to get some vanilla bean paste!

  22. Yay! I have lots of vanilla beans left over from making homemade vanilla for my wedding and I love vanilla paste, but also don’t want to use refined sugar if I can use something else. Thank you!

  23. Ahhh, I so can’t wait to try this. Hopefully soon if I win! Thanks for all your fabulous recipes!

  24. Yum ! I love vanilla bean paste ! Almost out too ! Thanks for the recipe !!

  25. looks great!

  26. Ooh! I love vanilla!!

  27. I make homemade vanilla, too! Nothing more satisfying than knowing exactly what you’re consuming 🙂

  28. I love baking & using homemade vanilla & can’t wait to try making this new buzz ingredient!

  29. i would love love love to try these in my baking

  30. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Vanilla is the finest of the flavors.

  31. I have yet to bite the bullet and buy vanilla beans online, which is silly. This sounds so delicious…and perfect for gifts.

    • If you use a lot of vanilla beans I highly recommend buying online!!! I just found a site called beanilla, I haven’t bought from there yet but it sounds good.

  32. I use vanilla alot in my baking. Would love to try this!!!

  33. This sounds soooo yummy!! I love baking with vanilla!

  34. There is truly such a difference in pure, whole vanilla beans in recipes! Baking school has spoiled me by getting to use them everyday 🙂 I would LOVE to win& to stock up my own kitchen with them!

  35. I have never tried vanilla beans. Always concidered them too expensive, but with this recipe AND the homemade vanilla it might actually be worth concidering. Thanks for the recipes!

  36. Love the vanilla bean paste recipe. Thanks for sharing!

  37. I love Vanilla Bean Paste but have never paid attention to the ingredients! This is awesome to have found a recipe for my own. Thanks!

  38. That looks so good!

  39. Amazing! How did you know I’ve been wanting to try some vanilla beans? 🙂 Thanks!

  40. Thanks for the fabulous site – I love your recipes!

  41. VANILLA.


    that is all.

  42. I am so glad you came up with this! I have seen the vanilla bean paste on the stands at the grocery, but I’ve never bought it due to sugar being the first ingredient! FINALLY my dreams have been answered!

  43. i’ve never worked with fresh vanilla beans but they look so amazing!

  44. Give up the goods!

  45. Oh this is cool. I didn’t know I could use the whole bean!

  46. I’ve just started using vanilla beans recently, and wow I was missing out! Amazing.

  47. I love making vanilla extract! Such an easy gift too!

  48. I’ve been trying to change it up and not use corn syrup or sugar. your recipe is wonderful ! I liked you on fb.

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