Desserts With Benefits Blogger Series (Behind The Scenes) -

Blogger Series (Behind The Scenes)

I decided to publish a 4-part series on the blog to answer some frequently asked questions, increase transparency, and share a little “Behind The Scenes” of Desserts With Benefits and the blogger behind it…  moi!  Each installment in the series has a bit of a different “feel” to it.  Here are the entries:

Part I:  Why I Removed Some Recipes From The Blog

This entry is pretty candid and to the point.  After a lot of readers reaching out in the comments and by email, I wanted to help clarify why I did it.

Part II:  A Deeply Personal Post…

So this post is, slightly gloomy, but it ends on a good note!  A HUGE thank you to ALL who reached out to me personally about this post.  Emails flooded my inbox.  I wish I could give everyone a big bear hug!  The outpouring of love, the mutual openness, the newfound connections — I appreciate it all.  THIS IS WHAT DRIVES ME AS A BLOGGER!

Part III:  How I Quit My Day Job and Became a Full-Time Blogger!

This is the ULTIMATE guide to food blogging — tools and resources (plus some helpful hints and tips) that allowed me to quit my day job and make full time blogging my career!  Plus, I get down to the nitty gritty and reveal my income and expenses.  Oh yes, I went there.

Part IV: My Future Business Goals — Blogger To Bakery Owner?

Both Part III and Part IV are pretty straightforward, but lighthearted as well.


Hope you enjoy!


That Food Blogger Did What?? -- The Desserts With Benefits Blog

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My 10-Year Struggle With Depression -- Jessica Stier of the Desserts With Benefits Blog

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How Much Money Do Food Bloggers Make? Jessica Stier of the Desserts With Benefits Blog

Full Time Blogging is a career? Oh yes. Here is the ULTIMATE guide to food blogging -- tools, resources, and helpful hints and tips that allowed me to quit my day job and turn my blog from a side hustle to my main hustle! Healthy Dessert Recipes at the Desserts With Benefits Blog (

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Taking Blogging to the NEXT STEP -- Blogger to Bakery Owner? Jessica Stier of the Desserts With Benefits Blog

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I hope you enjoy the blog series.  I poured my heart out in these four posts.  I shared things that most people never knew about me.  I opened up completely because I know I’m not alone.  We all have our dreams and aspirations, but we also have our struggles.  I wasn’t alone, and you’re not alone either!


With love and good eats,


– Jess


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