Banana Bread no.7
Wow, my first post! And to start off this blog, my first post should be dedicated to a food that is yummy, tasty and healthy — a food that I, and (basically) everyone else loves: Banana Bread!

This dessert takes me back to my childhood, where I was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. When I think about my childhood, the first thing that pops into my head is really just banana bread. I ate it every morning before school with my mother and sister, at a coffee shop called, Grabbajabba (clever name right?). It was the Starbucks of Canada, and my favorite place to be–more than school of course (because even with 2 feet of snow, there were no such things as “snow days”), it was my comfort-zone with comfort-food, unlike playing hide-and-go-seek with friends in a dusty attic snacking on melted gummy bears from my pocket.
Oh, Grabbajabba… the velvet chairs so plump, the coffee-scent so fragrant, and the banana bread so tasty. I wouldn’t settle for anything other than that banana bread, that perfectly-sliced, warm, aromatic dessert (for breakfast). Cinnamon rolls oozing icing? Nope. Pop tarts right out of the toaster? Not a chance. If the bread was sold out, I was distraught and skipped that meal for the day.
Thinking about it now, skipping that banana bread was most likely a good thing. Even though I was young then and my body could surely handle it, there are quite a few ingredients in prepared foods that, if consumed over a long period of time, can alter natural balances in your body, essentially leading to preventable hospital visits as you grow older.
Along with my increased emphasis on health (and possibly the Intro to Human Nutrition course I took), I have this drive to bake foods that could pass my textbook’s “Health Checklist.” This banana bread passed, because the recipe has been formulated by a serious health-guru, aka, me lol. So… on to the banana bread!
My 1st edition was a collage of things: partially burnt, crusty, dry and bland. I only used 2 bananas so it didn’t taste like banana bread, but rather like a poorly flavored bread. My parents love banana bread too (I mean, who doesn’t?) so I wanted to make this for them once I perfected it. They are big on protein, so I put in vanilla protein powder, which may have been the cause for it’s crusty shell, but, I wasn’t experienced enough with baking to know what caused certain textures and different elements.
2nd edition: I added a banana to give it more moisture and a stronger flavor. So the flavor was eh, a little better, but it was still dry all throughout somehow! (Yes, I was still learning that baking is a very precise practice)
Then, there were my 3rd and 4th editions. During my last bite of the 4th edition banana bread, I was asking myself, what is making this bread so dry?!? Am I overmixing (I tend to do this), should I put more oil in, should I add more bananas? Yes, that was what I was going to do!
So, my 5th edition was born. It smelled, ah-mazing. My first bite, *chomp* sadly, was still dry but it had great flavor. It was the perfect amount of banana and the tops of the loaves rose perfectly. But, when I reviewed the ingredients one more time, I realized what the problem could have been all along: the protein powder. I was not using the proper protein powder for baking, but rather the powder that you see muscle-heads put into their protein smoothie shaker cups at the gym. So I removed it.
The 6th edition (without protein powder) was amazing. I found that using the wrong type of protein powder makes your baked good, dry and airy (and not the nice kind of “airy,” the airy as in, too many air pockets!). Because of this, I had overcompensated on the number of bananas put into the recipe (aka, almost 7 bananas). The bread was too dense, too banana-y, and went bad in less than 2 days! It tasted like straight-up banana, where a piece of bread somehow got stuck onto your next bite (which doesn’t sound too bad, but in this case, it was).
I revised the darned recipe one more time, until, I made it to the lucky Banana Bread no.7!
Get the new and improved Healthy Banana Bread recipe HERE!
– Jess
Congratz on your first post ….. the banana bread looks absolutely delectable. Coincidentally I have also posted a recipe of Banana Bread yesterday.
All the best and happy blogging 🙂
Thanks for posting a healthy version of Banana Bread! I love the stuff but like you mentioned it always has so much sugar and butter or oil.
Hey! Love your idea of a recipe “wishlist.”
To answer your question, my first (and only post as of now) is of a healthy chocolate “chick” blondie. Please check it out.
Hope to see more posts from you 🙂
I didn’t have some ingredients like soymilk, but I was definitely inspired by your healthy banana bread. So, I threw in applesauce, canola oil, whole milk yogurt, 1 egg, brown sugar, buckwheat flour, oat flour, almond flour, and baking soda. Not QUITE as healthy as yours, but a giant step forward for me, who just made a butter PACKED flourless chocolate cake yesterday. 10 minutes left on the oven timer; we’ll see what happens!
I hope your banana bread turned out great. Sounds like it will! 🙂
Mmmm… chocolate cakeee
Yum! Thanks
Isn’t it great to be in college to bake whatever you want – i go to RPI.
Thanks again, Jesse
Hmm.. I think this cake so sweet like you 😉
This is my favorite cake! Thanks for sharing your recipe.
Bananas should not be eaten along with the essential fatty acids because the pectin will interfere with its absorption
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